tirsdag den 5. august 2008

We've come very far already

There are so many details that have to be taken care of in order to get everything working perfectly.

All the workshops are arranged now, and now we just need some texts form some of the workshop leaders and photos of all of them. it's like gathering a puzzle - lots of fun to find all the pieces.

I recently found out, that it might be possible to apply for money to make it possible to invite some people from different places, where they cannot afford to come otherwise. I hope somebody will look more into that and help out writing the applications.

Tomorrow there is a new planning meeting, and soon we can send out information about the price for the participants. That'll be a great moment!

I've found out that many people already know about the symposium, it's as if it is beginning to live it's own life. How wonderful, and there is exactly one year left before it takes place from 26th og July till August 1st 2009.

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