søndag den 25. oktober 2009

Being a group

After the symposium we created a small group of participants here in the south of Denmark.
Today we were 6 people, who had our second meeting, in my home. It was SO GREAT to meet in order to tell wonderful, healing stories!

Today we told 2 stories from Nancy Mellon's book 'Body Eloquence', a story about a 'Miracle in Berlin' and a story about 'everything is as it should be'.

Since I took part in the first international symposium in Järna in 2005 created by Inger Lise Oelrich, I've felt it as a quite lonely path to walk on, working with storytelling as a healing art.

So belonging to a group is a big step towards more energy and consciousness.

Somebody once said: 'Energy flows where attention goes', and I feel now for sure that when more people are being interested it truly creates more energy.

So hopefully we can make a big difference in this little corner of the country.
And besides we can create more focus which again will lead to more energy.

I believe we're into a good circle.

And it's also very good to know, that there are many many friends around the world working with this.

Marianne Christensen
