søndag den 22. marts 2009

World Storytelling Day 2009

In the little storytelling circle in Vordingborg we've joined the World Storytelling Day since it started, and we've celebrated it almost every year.

Last year I was joining a course with Lewis Mehl-Madrona at Kripalu Center in Massachusetts, and there I just told som stories to a small group of listeners.

This year we celebrated at the small island of Bogø. We had asked to be in the old bakery, where there is now a culture house, thanks to Malene Langborg who makes concerts there during the summer. But it was too cold, so we were happy to be invited to use a community house.

People came from near and far, and the room was quite crowded! I guess we were all a little surprised to see so many participants.

Everybody were so happy. The storytellers were happy for having a wonderful audience and the audience for having the opportunity to listen to good stories.

We were really close!!

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