mandag den 24. august 2009

More than storytelling

“If you don’t know the trees
Then you are lost in the forest,
But if you don’t know the stories,
Then you are lost in life.” Siberian Elder

In July I went to an international symposium for Storytelling as a Healing Art in Tappernøje, Denmark; ‘Spinning Tales, Weaving Hope’. I have recently started working with storytelling as a healing art, it having been my goal since I became accredited as a storyteller with the Scottish Storytelling Centre, and I felt the time was right to attend a gathering such as this.

I was fortunate to be funded by The Scottish Arts Council’s Professional Development Fund, a process I have used before and one I am very grateful for. I told them it would be an incredible experience for me to attend such a symposium, and indeed it was!

The symposium was offering an opportunity to meet many other people from around the world who work in this way as well as attending a workshop each day. There was a choice of 6 workshops and I chose Nancy Mellon’s workshop; The Eloquence of the Body “…a practical approach to self-transformation through the wise old art of storytelling. Discover how to speak to and from heart, liver, lungs and all your bodily parts.”

This was an incredibly well organised event hosted by storyteller Marianne Christensen and set in the beautiful surroundings of Marjatta it was so much more than attending workshops and discussions but was a place of sharing and experiencing. The workshop leaders spoke with great inspiration each morning of their experiences in their field of work and as the week progressed there were also fascinating stories from the workshop participants of how they use storytelling in their work.

As well as all the organised events and workshops there was valuable networking time. Often as storytellers we work alone and are at risk of becoming isolated which was why this was as important and something I found so wonderful as I heard of all the many ways people work. We laughed together, we cried together and we shared, so much. By the end of the week it was like leaving a new found family. It was enriching to be among these people for this time and to have affirmed that the work we are doing is good, appropriate and worthwhile.

I would recommend checking their website (below) for details on how this symposium and previous ones went.
Wendy Woolfson, Glasgow

Every little cell in my body is happy...

It is hard to find the words to express what a powerful week it was for me. Everyone was so eager to share and to listen and to share again that by the time I left, it felt like I had known everyone from long before – and maybe I had.

I have been inspired in a way I didn’t know was possible and “Every little cell in my body is happy…”
Wendy Woolfson, Glasgow

fredag den 21. august 2009


The Storytelling symposium created a positive, empathetic atmosphere from the very beginning. 80 people can become a group and start giving their courageous best in a very short time, when the space is open and supportive. There was a pioneering spirit with a deeply felt wish to contribute something valuable, freely and not because it’s paid for. This is possible at a time when economical hardships and an atmosphere of loss and discouragement is prevalent in society at large.

As a small company, InRoos Oy ( working with Emotions in Organizations, we predict a huge success for this impulse in the future. There is a lot of good work to be done all over the world.
Yvonne and Virgo

tirsdag den 4. august 2009


The symposium was a succes in more ways than it is possible to describe.

In the coming time you can read about what the participants have experienced.

Many new projects will get started after the symposium.

Personally I was so happy with the workshop that Alexander MacKenzie had. We worked with the story about Parcval, and we had lots of challenges during the week.

Each of us had to make a commitment to something we want to do as a leader.
You'll hear more about my commitment later.

If you want to see pictures from our storytelling evening inVordingborg by the Goosetower follow this link